The smile is is the symbol that was rated with the highest positive emotional content. Once the smiling muscles in our face contract, there is a positive feedback loop that now goes back to the brain and reinforces our feeling of joy. To put it better:
“Smiling stimulates our brain’s reward mechanisms in a way that even chocolate, a well-regarded pleasure-inducer, cannot match.”
“Smiling stimulates our brain’s reward mechanisms in a way that even chocolate, a well-regarded pleasure-inducer, cannot match.”

In short: our brain feels good and tells us to smile, we smile and tell our brain it feels good and so forth. And your brain keeps track of your smiles, kind of like a smile scorecard. It knows how often you've smiled and which overall emotional state you are in therefore.
Smiling reduces stress that your body and mind feel, similar to getting good sleep, according to recent studies.
Smiling helps to generate more positive emotions within you. That’s why we often feel happier around children – they smile more. On average, they smile 400 times a day. Happy adults still smile 40-50 times a day but the average is half of that.
Why does this matter? Smiling leads to decrease in the stress-induced hormones that negatively affect your physical and mental health, say the latest studies.
Smiling helps to generate more positive emotions within you. That’s why we often feel happier around children – they smile more. On average, they smile 400 times a day. Happy adults still smile 40-50 times a day but the average is half of that.
Why does this matter? Smiling leads to decrease in the stress-induced hormones that negatively affect your physical and mental health, say the latest studies.
The number one factor leading to an individual smiling more is it's appearance and their overall dental health. We naturally hide what we're embarrassed by. This leads to a negative feedback loop similar to the positive one listed above.
Want to change your life for the better in as fast a way as possible? Change your smile! You won't believe the overall impact is has on your life. Call us at (713) 781-2800. Financing is available.