Most people are aware of common side effects of cancer treatment like nausea and hair loss. But many don't realize that more than one-third of people treated for cancer develop complications that affect the mouth. These problems may interfere with cancer treatment and seriously lower the standard of living of the patient.

What Can Be Done to Reduce Their Risk and Impact?
Advise the dentist as to which therapy is planned. Each therapy has it's concerns and preparations.
Conduct blood work 24 hours before any dental procedure.
After radiation make sure the patient follows up with a fluoride gel/home care compliance.
Tooth extraction, if unavoidable, should be conservative.
Resume a regular dental recall schedule when chemotherapy is completed and all side effects, including immunosuppression, have resolved.
These are just a few preventative steps that can help keep your oral health up while beating the disease. Dr. Davis can help develop plan to to make sure you're doing your best.